Privacy Policy

Updated September 9, 2020

Intermidix has developed this privacy policy to explain how we may collect, retain, process, share and transfer your personal data through our services and via our online presence, which includes our website ("this website"). We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy also describes how we use personal data, with whom we share it, your rights and choices, and how you can contact us about our privacy practices. This policy does not apply to third-party websites, products, or services, even if they link to our Services or Sites, and you should consider the privacy practices of those third parties carefully.

The “Intermidix” refers to INTERMIDIX LIMITED (“IL”), it is the entity that is providing this Website and is referred to in this Privacy Policy as “we”, “us”, or “our”.

By using this Website you are agreeing to the use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.   

This Privacy Policy may be supplemented or amended from time to time by privacy statements that are specific to certain areas of this Website.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us via

Information Collection

As a visitor, you do not have to submit any personal information in order to use the Website. This Website only collects personal information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors. Such information may consist of, but is not limited to, your name, current job title, company address, email address and telephone and fax numbers.

We may also store and maintain any content that you provide, including but not limited to postings on any blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications and services that we may provide. 

We do not usually seek sensitive information (e.g., data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, physical or mental health, or sexual orientation) from visitors. We will, where necessary, obtain your explicit consent to collect and use such information.

Log Information, Cookies and Web Beacons

This site collects standard internet log information including your IP address, browser type and language, access times and referring website addresses. To ensure that this Website is well managed and to facilitate improved navigation, we or our service providers may also use cookies (small text files stored in a user’s browser) or Web beacons (electronic images that allow this Website to count visitors who have accessed a particular page and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregate data. Additional information on how we use cookies and other tracking technologies and how you can control these can be found in our cookie notice. 

Information Use

Every time you visit our website, we may automatically collect the following information:

  • Technical information, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the Internet, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform;

  • Information regarding your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time); services you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as clicks, scrolling, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call us. 

Blogs, Forums, Wikis and Other Social Media

This Website may host various blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications or services that allow you to share content with other users (collectively “Social Media Applications”). Any personal information or other information that you contribute to any Social Media Application can be read, collected, and used by other users of that Social Media Application over whom we have little or no control. Therefore, we are not responsible for any other user’s use, misuse, or misappropriation of any personal information or other information that you contribute to any Social Media Application.

Access to Information

Visitors who would like to request access to their information, to update their details, or unsubscribe from communications should contact us via In all cases we will treat requests to access information or change information in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Information Security

We have in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by visitors via this Website from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

We may provide your personal information to law enforcement, regulatory, or other government agencies, or to other third parties, in each case to comply with legal or regulatory obligations or requests.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may modify or amend this Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Statement, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page, and such modified or amended Privacy Statement shall be effective as to you and your information as of that revision date.  We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to be informed about how we are protecting your information. 

Childrens's Privacy Protection

We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy in the interactive online world. This Website is not designed for or intentionally targeted at children 13 years of age or younger. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.

Visitor’s Questions

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy while using this Website, please direct them to us via  

Links to other websites

Our website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.